

Page history last edited by Leslie B. Vermeulen 14 years, 9 months ago

Definition:   Obeys the law, respects authority, contributes to their community, loves his/her country, respects all nationalities, believes in doing what is right, stands up for the rights of others, tries to serve others before him/herself


November’s character trait is “Citizenship”.  After doing some research, following are examples of what citizenship looks like:

  • Plays by the rules
  • Obeys laws and rules
  • Does his or her share of the work
  • Stays informed
  • Cooperates
  • Protects the environment and conserves resources
  • Respects authority 



Books about Citizenship:


The Babe & I by David A. Adler: Book Cover     The Babe & I

                                                  by David A. Adler, Terry Widener (Illustrator)


Hawk, I'm Your Brother by Byrd Baylor: Book Cover         Hawk, I'm Your Brother

                                                  by Byrd Baylor, Peter Parnall (Illustrator)



Old Henry by Joan W. Blos: Item Cover     

Old Henry

          by Joan W. Blos, Stephen Gammell ( Illustrator)



Fly Away Home by Eve Bunting: Book Cover          Fly Away Home

                                                  by Eve Bunting, Ronald Himler (Illustrator)




How to Lose All Your Friends by Nancy Carlson: Book Cover     How To Lose All Your Friends 

                                                 by Nancy Carlson



Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney: Book Cover     Miss Rumphius

                                                by Barbara Cooney




A Fine, Fine School by Sharon Creech: Book Cover     A Fine, Fine School

                                                 by Sharon Creech, Harry Bliss ( Illustrator)    



Click, Clack, Moo by Doreen Cronin: Book Cover     Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type

                                                  by Doreen Cronin, Betsy Lewin (Illustrator)    


Duck for President by Doreen Cronin: Book Cover     Duck for President

                                                            by Doreen Cronin, Betsy Lewin ( Illustrator )


The Legend of the Bluebonnet

                    The Legend of the Bluebonnet (Paperback)

                                                       ~ Tomie dePaola (Author)


The Yellow Star The Yellow Star

                                                                                by Carmen Agra Deedy



Rose for Abby by Donna Guthrie: Book Cover         

                         Rose for Abby

                              by Donna Guthrie, Dennis Hockerman (Illustrator)



Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes: Book Cover     


                              by Kevin Henkes, Kevin Henkes (Illustrator)



Henry Hikes to Fitchburg by D.B. Johnson: Book Cover     Henry Hikes to Fitchburg

                                             by D.B. Johnson, Donald B. Johnson (Illustrator) 



Goggles! by Ezra Jack Keats: Book Cover     


                              by Ezra Jack Keats, Ezra Jack Keats (Illustrator)


Nim and the War Effort by Milly Lee: Book Cover     

                         Nim and the War Effort

                              by Milly Lee, Yangsook Choi (Illustrator)




     The Teddy Bear by David McPhail: Book Cover          

                              The Teddy Bear

                                   by David McPhail, David McPhail (Illustrator)


The Recess Queen by Alexis O'Neill: Book Cover          

                         The Recess Queen

          by Alexis O'Neill, Alexis O'Neil, Laura Huliska-Beith (Illustrator)



Thank You, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco: Book Cover     

                         Thank You, Mr. Falker

                              by Patricia Polacco, Patricia Lee Gauch (Editor)



The Flag We Love by Pam Munoz Ryan: Book Cover          

                         The Flag We Love

                              by Pam Munoz Ryan, Ralph Masiello (Illustrator)



One Hundred Is a Family by Pam Munoz Ryan: Book Cover               

                         One Hundred Is a Family

by Pam Munoz Ryan, Benrei Huang, Erin McCormack (Editor), Benrei Huang (Illustrator)   



Crazy Hair Day by Barney Saltzberg: Book Cover          

                         Crazy Hair Day

                              by Barney Saltzberg, Barney Saltzberg (Illustrator)


The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins by Dr. Seuss: Book Cover         

                             The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins

                                   by Dr. Seuss,



Candy Shop by Jan Wahl: Book Cover     

                         Candy Shop

                              by Jan Wahl, Nicole Wong (Illustrator)



The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi: Book Cover     

                         The Name Jar

                                  by Yangsook Choi, Yangsook Choi (Illustrator)




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